Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Got Engaged!

You guys! I got engaged! Here's how it happened: Matthew had planned a breakfast picnic for the two of us for a recent visit I took to New Mexico. This wasn't particularly suspicious because we love going ok picnics and I had been talking about wanting to go on a hike in the mountains. I mentioned the night before that I had brought my cute hiking backpack and that I could pack it for us and Matthew stopped what he was doing and said, "no!" I thought that was pretty odd but I figured that if he really wanted to take his backpack then that was fine with me! So we set off on our breakfast hike and made it moooost of the way up the mountain but I didn't realize that it was a THREE MILE HIKE that I was attempting to do (without any food yet, mind you) and I pretty much found a smooth rock near the top of the mountain and declared it the top and we sat down and ate some yummy breakfast burritos that Matthews mom, Teri made for us. We ate and talked and relaxed and then Matthew said that before we went back down, he wanted to take a picture on a flat spot right behind us. So we got up and I asked him for my phone so that I could take a picture and then turned to see the awesome view from the top (top-ish?) of the mountain. When I turned back around, Matthew was on his knee and before I knew it, I was engaged! I couldn't be more happy. He's everything I've prayed for through the years and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him! 

We had a really sweet moment halfway down the mountain where we stopped and prayed for a blessed marriage and relationship and we thanked God for all the amazing things that He is working in our lives. We are so lucky! 

If you're reading this, we would love it if you would pray for us too! 

Now, without further ado...pictures!! 

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