Sunday, March 29, 2015

Backyard Updates

I looked at the last time I updated this blog and I thought it was a mistake.

Well, guys, lets get the ball rolling again!  Now that winter is over (hello, seasonal affective disorder!), I definitely feel sunnier about life, pun intended. I have a ton of stuff to share and I can't wait to get started!

Warmer weather is creeping in and the last real part of my home that I wanted to tackle is my backyard.  Now, calling it a backyard is quite generous, but it means a lot to me and significantly increases the value of my apartment in my eyes.  It's mostly concrete, with two thing swaths of grass along the house and also along the opposite side.

I feel so good about my yard now that I even had a cookout last night! It was a fun time, truly.

My yard!  I have added the table recently ($30 at target) and my chiminea makes a huge difference. 

The beginnings of my summer garden.  Just imagine it in a few months with green EVERYWHERE!

So, that's my humble but kick-booty yard!  Here's to summer and more blogging!

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