Friday, October 3, 2014

Life Lately

My coworker Maila braided my hair during a slow moment at work and I noticed how BLACK it was underneath and immediately scheduled a salon appointment.  

Work.  Lots of work. 

My Filipino coworkers try to get me to eat their weird meatloaf.  It was...unusual. 

The skies opened up over Lubbock and flooded the hospital parking lot so we all put our soggy shoes under the baby warmers and wore non-slip hospital socks for a few hours.  Because we're dedicated. 

I smelled like this for a week straight to ward off the sickies. It worked!  

I busted out my leg warmers and boots for Fall. Fall!  

Lela and I continued our love affair. 

Being this domestic is so tiring. 

Got my hair fixed. See first picture.  

And this.  Just this. 

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