Friday, June 13, 2014

The Dog Behind the Blog

Two summers ago, on a hot and sticky Sunday, my friend Bree called me.  "Katie, do you want a dog?"

I wasn't sure.  See, I'd toyed with the idea of a dog before.  I'd even had a puppy named Oreo for 48 hours.  But I was a commitment-phobe of the worst kind, afraid to share my life with even one small, sweet, sweet dog.  I asked if I could do a trial run.  She laughed.  "Why don't you just come and meet her?"

I went.  She was timid at first but I sat on the floor and she crawled into my lap and just sighed.  I think we both knew she was home.  Her story was painful at that point.  Her owner had recently been murdered and she was slow to trust. She still is, growling at anyone that comes in a seven mile radius of my door.  But she is loyal.  My, she is loyal and she is all mine.  Meet Lela, the nearly blind white schnauzer that completes my little single girl life here.  She's been with me through nursing school, four moves, and numerous broken hearts.  She's soulful and calm and protective.  She's my best friend:).

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.” 

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