Once I sold a couch on craigslist. Actually, I gave away a loveseat for free via craigslist. I'm in the process of moving and I recently bought a beautiful, new full sized red microfiber couch that I had delivered to my new cottage home. The big, bulky green loveseat was still at my old apartment, but I didn't have any room for it so I advertised for it on craigslist. Wow. People love free stuff, let me tell you. An hour in I had seven texts from people wanting my tufted little charmer, despite about a billion broken springs and a suspicious stain on one of the cushions. I picked the first lady that called me and set up a time for her to come pick it up and haul it away with her husband.
Fast forward to the morning of the transaction, when I was set to meet her and her husband at 8:30, alone, by myself, solo. I didn't think anything of it until my friend reminded me of the craigslist killer and how vulnerable I would be there. I wrote my name and social security number on my stomach in sharpie in case they were going to get shady. But it still wasn't enough. So, I did what any rational girl would do: turned on the shower and pretended my big hulking man was there. At one point I even slipped into the back bathroom as they were unscrewing the couch feet and yelled out in my deepest possible man voice, "Babe, where's my razor?!" Clearly I was not a person that they could easily murder.
Creepy? Maybe...Dramatic? A smidge. But it worked. They left quickly and I got my loveseat hauled away to what will hopefully be a happy new home
This was the couch, circa 2011. She was a good couch. |
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