Monday, June 2, 2014

Maple-Soy Salmon

I have a confession to make.  I don't like fish.  I never have, even as a child.  Fish sticks were not something I wanted and I dreaded going to end of summer fish fries.  As I've gotten older and worked my way through nursing school, I realize just how darn healthy fish is, and I've tried to give it a second chance.  Salmon is my fish of choice this week, marinated in a supple and savory blend of complex maple goodness and dark, rich soy sauce.  It works.  This is a fish recipe I can get behind.

Why should I be eating salmon? Besides keeping me the ridiculously well-muscled woman that I am, it's good for your cholesterol, brain, and heart.  On a more superficial level, it makes your hair shiny, and lets be honest, we all could use a little more shiny hair in our lives.

Maple-Soy Salmon

4 skinless salmon fillets
1/2 c. pure maple syrup
3/4 c soy sauce
1 T. garlic powder
ground black pepper

In a large bowl, mix the maple syrup, soy sauce, and garlic powder.  Toss the fish in the marinade and cover with plastic wrap.  Leave the bowl in your fridge for an hour.  Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees, pull the fish out of the marinade, wrap  individually in some foil and cook for 8 minutes. Grind the black pepper over the top and admire the result of your cooking prowess.

 Easy!  I enjoyed mine over some brown rice.  And a salad.  That may or may not have had an inordinate amount of bacon bits on it. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

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